Piles and piles of crap are on my table at this point in the school year. The worst part?  Most of it I am either a.) in the middle of completing or b.) have no idea where to stash it because the pile is so big.  So I just leave it.  Out on my table.  For all the world to see.  The kids have no chance coming to that table for instruction.  They couldn’t see over the papers!  Thank goodness they are mostly independent working on their pirate projects!

We are required to complete portfolios on each student.  There is  a specific list of items to include in the portfolios.  However, I wanted a lot of information readily available to the next year’s teacher all in one place.  It seems like we collect eight bazillion pieces of data on children and record them all on  DIFFERENT.SHEETS.OF.PAPER! Sheesh!  We have to rifle through a bunch of papers to get a snapshot.  I don’t call that a snapshot.  I call that work.  Ick.

So I created a portfolio summary sheet.  This is a neat, concise form to give s snapshot of the student’s performance for this school year.  It actually includes many of the things on the district checklist so it does accomplish two goals.

This is somewhat geared to Georgia teachers grades 3-5 because of the CRCT assessment.  However, I would be happy to edit and post another version for your specific state assessment if you tell me what you need!

I hope this is helpful!  Two more half days to go!  Yahoo!